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Card fees
Cornelia avatar
Written by Cornelia
Updated over a week ago

Depending on your Lunar subscription, a fee may be applied to your transaction with your Lunar card or your card withdrawal after you have made it

Below you can see the fees that Lunar may charge

The fees apply only to customers with Light, Youth or Standard subscriptions

  • A withdrawal fee of 9 DKK for cash withdrawals of the DKK and EUR currency in Danish or foreign ATMs within the EU.

  • A withdrawal fee of 19 DKK for cash withdrawals of other currencies than DKK and EUR in foreign ATMs within the EU.

  • A withdrawal fee of 19 DKK for cash withdrawals regardless of currency in foreign ATMs outside the EU.

  • A currency surcharge of 1% when using the card abroad. (both physically and online)

You can read more about all fees and prices for cards in our detailed price list.

Good to know

  • Even though Lunar does not have its own ATMs, it is fully possible to withdraw money with your Lunar card. You can find further information here.

  • When you are abroad, it can often be useful to have a certain amount of cash available. Please note that our withdrawal and spending limits remain the same whether you are in Denmark or abroad. However, it is important to note that local restrictions may apply abroad.

  • Our Unlimited and Plus subscription includes a good travel insurance! Learn more here

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