Please note that this information only applies with Lunar Business in Denmark.
Do you need a NemKonto for your company account with Lunar?
Yes, it is actually a legal requirement that you as a company must have a NemKonto associated with your CVR number. When you start a business there are many things to keep track of, and one of them is to have a NemKonto associated with you CVR number.
Your company's NemKonto is a bank account that will be used to pay out public services, such as money bank from tax.
How do I move/register my NemKonto to my business account?
To move/register your NemKonto, simply:
Open your Lunar app
Click on the 'search function' in the top right corner
Scroll down and press 'NemKonto Business'
Click on 'Register NemKonto'
Click 'Continue' and choose which account the NemKonto should be linked to
Swipe to confirm
Good to know
When you move or register your NemKonto, it is only your business's NemKonto. Your private NemKonto will never be transferred.