Sometimes it can happen that one suspects to have entered their card details on a shady website, which means that one would like to lock or freeze the card before the money is reserved on the card.
It could also be that one suspects to have lost or misplaced their card and would like to ensure that it is not permanently closed, in case they find it quickly again.
How to lock your Lunar card in the app
If you need to lock your card temporarily, you must do it correctly, so it is not permanently blocked.
Fortunately, you can easily lock the card yourself inside your Lunar app. Simply follow the guide below to lock your card:
Open your Lunar app and select the account that the card is connected to.
Click on 'card' and then click on the card you wish to lock.
Press Lock Card.
Note that amounts reserved before you lock your card will still be completed.
If you need to have the card locked for a longer period, we recommend you order a virtual card in the app, which you can use in the meantime.
How to permanently close a card:
Open your Lunar app and select the account that the card is connected to
Click on 'cards' and click on the card you wish to permanently close.
Select 'Lock Card' and then press 'Close Card'